Find your inner stillness and improve multiple aspects of your life... Us Hongkies are all too aware of how stressful city life can be. Long work hours, even longer party hours, never ending construction works, traffic jams, tiny noisy apartments, and the inevitable troubled relationships of living in a somewhat transient city, can all take their toll on our body, mind, and soul. Which is why Twangoo is offering you a chance to reduce stress and improve your overall wellbeing through The New Age Shop's renowned meditation classes! Today you can purchase 3 "meditation for beginners" classes at an irresistible price of HKD225! Many people are aware that meditation offers a way to relax and reduce stress, but did you know what regular practice can also bring about feelings of confidence, self control, increased concentration, improved posture, better relationships and an overall improvement in health? Not to mention, giving you the ability to let go of negative emotions such as anger and paranoia and empowering you to have a greater enjoyment of the physical! Sound too good to be true? All these improvements are possible because once you have found your own inner stillness, through regular meditation, you will be able to access it again and again and with ever greater ease. This brings with it many far-reaching and profound benefits. Today's deal of group meditation is ideal for those who are brand new to meditation or who have begun to practice meditating on their own and perhaps need some guidance just to check they are doing it right. Others who may have joined meditation groups in the past, may want to visit in order to dip into the group energies and get a hit of the vibration that they�re looking for. Each week the meditations will be adapted to the group energy & will be guided by Claire to incorporate any specific issues. The experienced and lovely Claire will guide you on your meditation journey. During Claire's very first meditation session she experienced a profound shift and knew this was the start of something special. Claire has since studied under several teachers and her intention is to attract others to continue on their path and feel the amazing benefits of meditating in a group. So forget hesitation and come experience the benefits of meditation! Lure you later, Miss Siren |