
5 折歎 Ivan the Kozak 東歐美食

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以 HK$150 換購原值 HK$300 的 Ivan the Kozak 東歐美食及飲品現金券!每張枱可用多張劵!

原價   折扣   節省
$300   5 折   $150
以 HK$150 換購原值 HK$300 的 Ivan the Kozak 東歐美食及飲品現金券!每張枱可用多張劵!
Ivan The Kozak
地址: 香港中環閣麟街 46-48 號地下
聯絡電話: +(852) 2851 1193

蘇豪區的餐廳轉了又轉,Ivan the Kozak 卻一直屹立多年不倒,自然有其過人之處。自問食遍天下,卻仍未有機會感受烏克蘭和俄羅斯味道?今日享樂邀請您到 Ivan the Kozak 以 HK$150 品嚐原值 HK$300 的東歐口味。今日享樂,與您共渡 exotic 一夜!

Ivan 這名字在東歐國家甚為普遍,而 Kozak 在烏克蘭語中,則解作騎兵武士,可想而知,Ivan the Kozak 就是一心為厭倦大路口味食客謀福祉的勇士。餐廳佈置成東歐小農舍的模樣,加上烏克蘭樂隊的現場演唱,不用搭飛機,心都早已飛到紅場了。您的胃呢?Ivan The Kozak 的大廚全部來自烏克蘭和俄羅斯,炮製出來的食物自然正宗又地道。所有菜式均不含味精,以純天然方法,烹調出俄式焗兔肉、俄國宮廷烤鹿肉等驚喜美食,不少資深食客亦紛紛讚好!


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Today's deal: 50% off the ultimate asian dining experience... you pay HKD200 for HKD400 worth of delicious food at Sông!...

HK$ 200 See the deal


HK$ 400



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HK$ 200

Company information:


LG/F 75A Hollywood Road
Hong Kong


Sông is the ultimate casual, Asian fine dining experience!...

I am very happy to present you our candy of the day, a great promotion in one of my favorite restaurants in HK, Sông. This cosy little restaurant, hidden on Hollywood Road, 2 minutes away from the escalator, serves one of the best Vietnamese food in town, very fresh, authentic and delicious! The peaceful environment, the white and softly lit walls make it perfect for a chic dinner with your friends or a more intimate meal...

Not only the food is excellent, but prices are very reasonable too... and thanks to Twangoo you can order anything from the food menu for up to HKD400, paying only HKD200!

I really like Vietnamese food, the perfect balance between herbs like lemongrass, Vietnamese mint, thai basil, coriander (so aromatic, I always had a weakness for coriander) and spices. The excellent grilled beef and fish make it one of the healthiest cuisine in the world.

Sông menu doesn't disappoint, varied, authentic with yet some innovative dishes. Let me share with you my favorite items on the menu: As a starter I strongly recommend the spinach and tofu dumplings or the soft shell crab and avocado wrapped in rice paper. Then, a salad. My two favorite ones are the pomelo salad and the grilled beef salad with lemongrass dressing. I would add some spring rolls of course (like the chicken and crab one with lettuce and mint) or Vietnam's most famous dish: the traditionnel Pho Bo, aromatic beef in soup with flat rice noodle and herbs... For the main, my favorite is definitely the char grilled halibut in banana leaf with lemongrass, turmeric and coconut marinade... but the curries with French baguette don't disappoint as well! All those delicious items for a mere HKD200...

A delicious and healthy meal, I am in!

Lola's secret: despite his simplicity, Sông is the favorite of many HK socialites, last time I was there I bumped into an editor of Vogue China, and it is actually the very first restaurant I was invited when I just arrived in HK, by Dragon-i owner himself... :)

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

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