
50% off a how-to improve your communication skills

50% off 1-day "NLP Communication, Persuasion & Influencing Techniques" Course by Evolution U. Learn leaders' communication techniques!

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50% off 1-day "NLP Communication, Persuasion & Influencing Techniques" Course by Evolution U. Learn leaders' communication techniques!

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This Twangoo is for an intensive one-day training designed to equip you with a tool kit of communication, persuasion & influencing skills usable in your personal and business life.

This course will be held on May 11th, 2011 from 9.30am to 5pm at the Soho workstation, 110 Caine Road, Mid-Levels. The training will take place in a classroom environment with multiple role-play and open book tests.

The morning session focuses on the underlying theory of NLP and its application in building Rapport, which is the basis for all effective communication.

The afternoon session focuses on linguistics, introducing two powerful NLP based linguistic techniques for asserting influence before studying the psychology of persuasion.    

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