
鋼管舞 三五折/65% off Pole Dancing

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每日HOT BUY 香港
2010年9月23日 星期四

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$99於Pole Paradise Studio享受專業鋼管舞、椅子舞、空中呼拉圈、或空中絲巾一堂課程(原價$290)

ubuyibuy - $99於Pole Paradise Studio享受專業鋼管舞、椅子舞、空中呼拉圈、或空中絲巾一堂課程(原價$290)
HK$ 99 See Today's Deal
原價 折扣 你已節省
$290 65% $191

Pole Paradise Studio 擁有世界級鋼管舞導師

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信有很多人前陣子都看過Youtube上面關於南京地鐵二號線 "鋼管姐"在眾目睽睽之下大秀鋼管舞的一段片,車廂內的乘客看到目瞪口呆大飽眼福,最後鼓掌起哄。這段片的浏览人高達13萬人,因為"鋼管姐"精彩的表演,又再一次在香港掀起鋼管舞熱潮!其實鋼管舞這種活動非常有利於身心健康,不但可以塑造體型,還可以減壓。香港人平常工作讀書壓力非常大,既然這種舞蹈可以減壓,我們何不藉著跳舞放鬆一下? 讓您潛藏的魅力破繭而出!今天,uBuyiBuyers能以$99到Pole Paradise Studio 參加原價$290的鋼管舞、椅子舞、空中呼拉圈、或空中絲巾一堂課程!


Pole Paradise Studio

2543 0198


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Today's deal: 50% off a 60-min massage of your choice at Spa Beaute Par Zai...

HK$ 250 See the deal


HK$ 500



You save

HK$ 250

Company information:

Spa Beaute Par Zai

Suite 901, Queen's Place, 74 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong

60 minutes of relief to forget all the problems of the world...

What's our favorite therapy of all times? A massage! It has been used since thousands of years to cure all kinds of medical conditions. Not only the obvious muscle aches but also hypertension (massages help to regulate blood pressure), insomnia, digestion problems... Massages increase circulation as well as flexibility, relax over-used muscles, relieve pain from migraines, improve concentration, reduce fatigue... I have all the good reasons of the world to go for a massage, but I have to say my most obvious one is to release stress. There is nothing better than a massage to unwind after a hard day's work and go into a state of deep relaxation. As studies have proven, the stress hormone is responsible for killing immunity cells. So, massage is the best trick to boost immunity and avoid a cold while under stress.

In a fantasy world, I would have one massage a day... Unfortunately it can become a costly therapy. But thanks to Twangoo you can now purchase one-hour massage at Spa Beaute Par Zai for HKD250 instead of HKD500. Depending on your mood, you can choose between aromatherapy massage, lymphatic massage, slimming massage, electro-therapy with G5, spot-reducing massage, massage on cellulite-prone area...

Spa Beaute Par Zai is one of HK's first beauty salons. They have highly qualified and friendly therapists, the latest equipment available and are committed to giving you the best services at an affordable price. It's a very genuine place, conveniently located in Central. Spa Beaute Par Zai has been treating cellulite-sufferers for years. They were given a score of 8/10 by the South China Morning Post. So if you want to go for a 60-min treatment focusing on cellulite, they will alternate between a very firm manual massage, custom-made combination of Swedish, lymphatic drainage, Ayurvedic techniques and the use of a G5 machine (stands for Gyrating 5 because of its 5 massaging components) to spot-treat problem areas and "munch" the fatty deposit under our skin.

So whether you are looking for pampering, rejuvenation or a more specified treatment, our deal today is the best elixir for good health... Time to relax our body and mind!

Lola's secret: Experts estimate that 80% to 90% of diseases are stress-related. Let's improve the odds by having a massage!

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

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