
$188 享用阿詩瑪雲南風味 2 人餐,5 餸 1 湯,送甜品餐飲

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4.8 折百分百雲南風味 - 阿詩瑪雲南風味 2 人餐,雲南氣鍋雞、麗江炒雜菌、水煮魚、山珍小籠包、酸辣雜醬米線… 5 餸 1 湯再送甜品餐飲!

原價 折扣
$388 4.8 折
4.8 折百分百雲南風味 - 阿詩瑪雲南風味 2 人餐,雲南氣鍋雞、麗江炒雜菌、水煮魚、山珍小籠包、酸辣雜醬米線… 5 餸 1 湯再送甜品餐飲!
地址: 旺角彌敦道 639 號雅蘭中心 6 樓 E 舖
聯絡電話: +(852) 3188 2555
  • 菜式以天然食材為主,直接由雲南輸港
  • 夠民族特色,亦配合港人口胃
  • 雲南氣鍋雞湯清味濃,四季皆宜
  • 山珍小籠包有鮮野菌加鮮肉,湯汁豐富
  • 更上一層樓,特製豆腐,酸酸甜甜
  • 雲南玫瑰蜜滋潤養顏

吃「地方菜」梗要吃出地方風味,首要條件是大廚烹調手法要夠正宗,其次就是食材、醬料要夠地道!享樂推介百分百雲南風味 - 阿詩瑪雲南風味軒,4.8 折享用「雲南鄉土風情 2 人餐」(原價 $388),品嚐鎮店之寶山珍小籠包以外,主菜亦有多款選擇︰雲南氣鍋雞、麗江炒雜菌、更上一層樓、水煮魚、金湯魚、酸湯魚、山珍小籠包等,5 餸 1 湯套餐再附送山珍珠湯圓 及 滋潤玫瑰蜜!

    阿詩瑪雲南鄉土風情 2 人餐 (享樂價 $188,原價 $388)
  • 脆香涼伴三絲
  • 雲南氣鍋雞
  • 麗江炒雜菌 / 更上一層樓 (2 選 1)
  • 水煮魚 / 金湯魚 / 酸湯魚 (3 選 1)
  • 山珍小籠包 4 隻
  • 酸辣雜醬米線
  • 山珍珠湯圓 2 份
  • 玫瑰蜜 2 杯
  • 享樂價 $188,原價 $388 (已包括服務費)

美味 健康 雲南鄉土菜
阿詩瑪雲南風味軒有限公司早在 1995 年開設第一間雲南菜館,經過十餘年的摸索與開發,己在香港建立了自己獨特的風味品牌。要做到百分百的雲南風味,所有的材料得從雲南運來,例如雲南出名的菇菌,香港就不會找得到!因此,阿詩瑪堅持每天將幾千里外的雲南食材︰各式各樣天然、無污染的野生菌、新鮮蔬菜、雲南火腿、優質醬料、特殊乾貨等源源輸港,再經雲南名廚精心烹製,就成了滿溢濃濃鄉土情的美味健康雲南鄉鄉土菜! ...

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77% off MMA at Versus Performance


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Today's Deal 77% off MMA at Versus Performance
HK$50 for a 1-hour combat class at Versus. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts and Kickboxing… try one or all three disciplines!

Kick like Bruce. Grapple like Chuck. Flex like Bolo. Get the ultimate physique with this amazing opportunity to try 3 different martial arts disciplines!

At Versus Performance, a newly opened independent studio in Sheung Wan, they specialise in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Kickboxing but also do great fitness, strength & conditioning, and weight-loss programs.

MMA disciplines are new to most of us as a form of fitness regime, with images of bloodied warriors in UFC cage fights, or Tong Po’s glass-shard-shoe roundhouse kicks providing the main deterrent from knocking on the gym door. However, MMA is a spectacular form of fitness, working the entire body and offering the cardiovascular, toning and conditioning to get your entire corps fighting fit. This great offer makes the choice of discipline easy at just $50 for a 1-hour class. Buy up to 10 vouchers to use on your favourite discipline, or try all 3 art forms for yourself:

  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) – a martial art and a self-defense, ground-fighting system with a focus on defeating an opponent through leverage and techniques. You’ll learn how to bring your opponent to submission through joint-locks, choke holds and the chicken wing.
  • Mixed Marital Arts (MMA) - a full contact combat sport incorporating a wide variety of fighting techniques and skills from the legendary martial arts, MMA is an all-round sport which focuses on both striking and grappling techniques while standing and on the ground.
  • Kickboxing –offers the cardiovascular, toning and conditioning needed to get fit and your body into shape. It’s fun, fitness and self defence all in one.

If Versus is your first foray into the ring, rest assured as you’ll be trained by extremely capable and experienced hands. Head Trainer Quinton Arendse has over 10 years' experience as a fighting coach, he is also a former South African champion with over 20 pro-MMA fights and multiple kickboxing and Muay-Thai fights to his name, so he understands and is able to accommodate each student's needs. He is an excellent trainer who is able to push your boundaries to new heights without over-stretching limits.

It’s time to get off that couch and turn those folds of flab into fists of fury! First class must be taken before 31 March, 2011.

Company Info
Versus Performance
16/F, CNT Commerical Building, 302 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

See the website »

16/F, CNT Commerical Building, 302 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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50% off Foot Reflexology & Belly Candling

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Today's deal

50% off on a Foot Reflexology & Belly Candling at Spa BPZ! Rely on ancient methods to improve body balance!

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HK$ 290


HK$ 580



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HK$ 290


Belly Candling is an ancient method used to improve digestive and colon balance, reduce water retention, achieve healthier looking skin and improve overall health. 

By using Biosun ear candles, you will get an abdominal massage followed by the application of the candle to the belly button to boost circulation and detox.

No introduction needed for foot reflexology - relax while your therapist goes through all the acupressure points!  

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