
$228 瘦身/豐胸療程(6次)原價$2,888 / $179 AKU 鐵板燒 原價$369.6

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$228 做 6 次 mediBEAUTY 豐胸 / 瘦身療程 (原價 $2,888),低於 1 折幫您安全塑造完美 S 型體態,再送超聲波排毒水療 及 豐胸 / 瘦身產品 (總值 $1,776)!

原價 折扣
$2888 0.8 折
$228 做 6 次 mediBEAUTY 豐胸 / 瘦身療程 (原價 $2,888),低於 1 折幫您安全塑造完美 S 型體態,再送超聲波排毒水療 及 豐胸 / 瘦身產品 (總值 $1,776)!
mediBEAUTY 美然保
地址: 銅鑼灣禮頓道 91 號雲翠大廈 3 樓全層 (利舞台廣場對面)
聯絡電話: +(852) 2272 8388
  • 男賓及女賓部設於不同樓層,新客、舊客全部可享用優惠
  • 享樂證購買張數不限,每人每個療程可用 1 張
  • 瘦身療程針對脂肪長期積聚的肚腩、手臂、大腿等部位
  • 豐胸療程有效提高胸部堅挺度,自然豐滿,效果持久
  • 位處銅鑼灣禮頓道,交通方便,環境優雅舒適

天氣日漸和暖,再不開始 keep fit 修身,就難以在夏天以完美體態示人了!今日享樂家可以 $228 進行 mediBEAUTY 瘦身 / 豐胸療程 6 次,低於 1 折幫您安全塑造完美 S 型體態,再送您總值 $1,776 超聲波排毒水療 及 瘦身 / 豐胸療程產品。

【FunShare X mediBEAUTY】0.8 折完美體態優惠︰

「瘦身優惠」︰享樂價 $228,原價 $2,888

    瘦身療程 6 次
  • 配合先進科技儀器,提供針對性減肥、淋巴排毒、改善皮膚、提升線條,助您以最短的時間獲得最佳的纖體瘦身效果!
    送︰超聲波排毒水療 (價值 $888) 及 西班牙貴族 A.G Slim 產品 (價值 $888)
    # 瘦身療程適用於男或女賓

「豐胸優惠」︰享樂價 $228,原價 $2,888

    豐胸療程 6 次
  • 最新 Multiple Bosom Beauty Instrument 有效提高胸部堅挺度,自然豐滿,效果持久!
    送︰超聲波排毒水療 (價值 $888) 及 豐胸產品 (價值 $888)
    # 豐胸療程只供女賓享用

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50% off lap dancing, pole dancing and burlesque at Pole Divas in Central


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Today's Deal 50% off Pole Divas
HK$130 for lap dancing, pole dancing and burlesque lessons at Pole Divas in Central

Welcome to your private, sexy and glamorous wonderland of feather boas and corsets…

Release your inner bombshell and be sexy and beautiful while feeling confident in your own skin. Today’s offer from Pole Divas is glamorous, sassy and simply irresistible!

At just HK$130 an hour, Pole Divas is offering a variety of lap dancing, pole dancing and burlesque classes that guarantee fun, femininity and fitness in every session. As you learn to embrace your curves and bring out the erotic power within you, you’ll find the level of elevation and fitness achieved after every lesson exceeds all feminine expectations.

  • Pole dancing - combining strength, flexibility and grace, this fun and sexy workout will boost your confidence and enhance your body’s tone and grace. The ultimate modern cardiovascular workout, each lesson promises a 350 calorie burn and a sexy dance routine to take home to your partner!
  • Lap dancing - the complete sensual, erotic and arousing genre, lap dancing promises to add sparkle to your lives. Dress up in the sexiest outfits, as your teachers help you bring your wildest fantasies alive. The exotic music and sensual beats will gradually chase all your stressful thoughts away as you slip into you natural, comfort zone.
  • Burlesque dancea sophisticated theatrical art with a long history, Burlesque combines elements of acting, modeling and dance. Lessons in burlesque dancing will bring out the cheeky and exciting side of you as the costumes mainly involve corsets, stockings and feathers boas. Sassiness is the main ingredient required!
  • A total giggle, each individual can purchase up to ten vouchers and enjoy ten different classes. You'll be spoilt for choice with so many classes to choose from, starting from beginner's levels all the way up. Visit their website for detailed class schedules and call 25415157 to make your booking. These exotically sexy and arousing moves will definitely have your partner on his toes and eating food off your hand!


Company Info
Pole Divas
6th Floor, Wai Hing Commercial Building, 17-19 Wing Wo St, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

6th Floor, Wai Hing Commercial Building, 17-19 Wing Wo St, Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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53% off 2.5-hour group painting class at KA ATELIER.

53% off 2.5-hours group painting class at KA ATELIER. Express your creativity this Easter!

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Today's deal

53% off 2.5-hour group painting class at KA ATELIER. Express your creativity this Easter!

Get the deal now

HKD 140


HKD 300



You save

HKD 160


This Twangoo is for 2.5 hours of group painting experience.

Choose from either Easter theme  (oval canvas 20*30cm / 30*40cm) or free style painting (square canvas  20*20cm / 30*30cm)

You can buy up to 2 Twangoos today, so invite your best friend or come with your little one. 

Each session includes free flow coffee/tea with cookies and chocolates on the side.  

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