
$38 阿詩瑪「雲南之夏午市套餐」原價 $80

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4.8 折阿詩瑪「雲南之夏午市套餐」︰$38 享用時令夏日小食+正宗雲南米線+滋味清潤特飲!(原價 $80) 阿詩瑪夏日時令鄉土菜,百分百的雲南風味,滋味有益,定必令您胃口大開!

原價 折扣
$80 4.8 折
4.8 折阿詩瑪「雲南之夏午市套餐」︰$38 享用時令夏日小食+正宗雲南米線+滋味清潤特飲!(原價 $80) 阿詩瑪夏日時令鄉土菜,百分百的雲南風味,滋味有益,定必令您胃口大開!
地址: 旺角彌敦道 639 號雅蘭中心 6 樓 E 舖
聯絡電話: +(852) 3188 2555
  • 「雲南之夏午市套餐」包括米線、小食及飲品,豐富!美味!超值!
  • 菜式以天然食材為主,直接由雲南輸港
  • 夠民族特色,亦配合港人口胃
  • 紫菜鮮菌米線,正宗雲南風味
  • 涼拌玉豆,香辣可口的夏日冷盤
  • 雲南玫瑰蜜滋潤養顏

Lunch hour 烈日當空外出逛一圈,汗流浹背已經食慾大減,難道只有雪糕、棉棉冰可作夏日午餐?!
今日享樂推出 4.8 折阿詩瑪「雲南之夏午市套餐」優惠,$38 即可享用 (原價 $80) 時令夏日小食+正宗雲南米線+滋味清潤特飲!細味阿詩瑪精製的夏日時令雲南鄉土菜,猶如置身風光如畫的雲南景致,心情暢快,自然胃口大開!

    【享樂 x 阿詩瑪】4.8 折「雲南之夏午市套餐」包括︰
  • 時令夏日小食一款︰涼拌玉豆 (價值 $18) / 酸辣水餃 4隻(價值 $16) / 香醬涼茄子4件 (價值 $14)
  • 正宗雲南米線一碗︰豬扒酸辣米線 / 腩肉炸醬米線 / 紫菜鮮菌米線 (價值 $34)
  • 滋味清潤特飲一杯︰冷 / 熱玫瑰蜜 (價值 $34)

  • 原價 $80,享樂價 $38 (優惠已包括 10% 服務費、茶芥及小食費用)

美味 健康 雲南鄉土菜
阿詩瑪雲南風味軒有限公司早在 1995 年開設第一間雲南菜館,經過十餘年的摸索與開發,已在香港建立了自己獨特的風味品牌。要做到百分百的雲南風味,所有的材料得從雲南運來,例如雲南出名的菇菌,香港就不會找得到!因此,阿詩瑪堅持每天將幾千里外的雲南食材︰各式各樣天然、無污染的野生菌、新鮮蔬菜、雲南火腿、優質醬料、特殊乾貨等源源輸港,再經雲南名廚精心烹製,就成了滿溢濃濃鄉土情的美味健康雲南鄉土菜!

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66% off choice of three massages at Perfect Touch


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Monday, 16 May 2011
Today's Deal 66% off choice of 3 massages at Perfect Touch
HK$250 for a 60-minute Swedish, Deep Tissue, or Lymphatic Body Massage worth HK$740!

Relax, Rejuvenate and Revitalise at Perfect Touch…

A haven for the body and soul, the brand new Perfect Touch Spa on Lyndhurst Terrace is a sanctuary of tranquillity and relaxation, welcoming you with a menu of divine treatments designed to improve your personal wellbeing and melt away the stresses of every day life.

For the very special price of HK$250, you can now enjoy a 60-minute Swedish, Deep Tissue, or Lymphatic Body Massage originally worth HK$740. With no limit on purchases per person, and a validity period of 3 months why not sample all three and discover your favourite!

  • Swedish massage – A relaxing and soothing massage that promotes relaxation, eases muscle tension and improves overall blood circulation. A light massage oil is used to to facilitate various massage strokes including kneading, friction, stretching and tapping, all applied with light to medium pressure.
  • Deep Tissue massage - Designed to relieve severe tension in the muscle and the connective tissue, this massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles and is recommended for individuals experiencing pain from injury, heavy physical activity, and muscle tension.
  • Lymphatic Body massage – Boosts the immune system while creating general feelings of vitality, this massage is great for anyone with a weakened immune system, stress or low energy. Therapists combine the deep thumb pressure of shiatsu with the relaxing techniques of the Swedish massage, to help increase lymph flow and remove harmful substances from the tissue.


Go on, give in and treat yourself to a number, with this exclusive offer from Perfect Touch Spa. 

Company Info
Perfect Touch Day Spa
1/F, 48 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

1/F, 48 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong
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