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1折E-Light 光學脫毛及補濕美白(原價6800);3.8折英國STOP遮陽帽;4.9折名廚歐陸菜

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齊分享.愛尋樂 追蹤享樂

低於 1 折進行 6 次 E-Light 光學脫毛+6 次補濕美白 (原價 $6,800),送 $500 Reveiler 優惠劵及抗氧化面膜!皮膚白白,觸感滑滑!

原價 折扣
$6800 0.3 折
低於 1 折進行 6 次 E-Light 光學脫毛+6 次補濕美白 (原價 $6,800),送 $500 Reveiler 優惠劵及抗氧化面膜!皮膚白白,觸感滑滑!
Reveiler Skin-Pro
地址: 銅鑼灣糖街 29-31 號匯景商業中心 10 樓全層 (2895 0101) / 尖沙咀廣東道 10-12 號松鳳商業大廈 17 樓全層 (2302 0558) / 旺角彌敦道 613 號飛達商業中心 10 樓全層 (2626 0013)
聯絡電話: +(852) 2895 0101 / 2302 0558 / 2626 0013
  • 送 Reveiler Skin-Pro 購物優惠劵 $500 及 SOD 抗氧化面膜 (帶走使用)
  • E-Light脫毛組合,包括 6 次脫毛+ 6 次美白保濕
  • 脫毛部位 6 選 1︰腋下 / 上唇 / 下巴 / 手指 / 腳趾 / 前額
  • E-Light 光學脫毛有效破壞毛囊,一般情況下 6 次療程可達永久脫毛完美效果
  • 深層補濕美白護理針對脫毛部位,令您滑上加白
  • 經營一站式美容服務 14年來,口碑載道
  • 美容師獲證書認可,經驗豐富,服務貼心

很多人都會選擇光學脫毛,卻沒幾多人注重脫毛後的皮膚護理。今日【FunShare X Reveiler Skin-Pro】推出 0.3 折 E-Light 脫毛組合優惠,可以 $228 進行 6 次 E-Light 光學脫毛+6 次深層補濕美白護理,再送 Reveiler Skin-Pro 購物優惠劵 $500 及 SOD 抗氧化面膜!脫毛部位可選︰腋下、上唇、下巴、手指、腳趾 或 前額。脫毛療程平均只需 $38/次,E-Light 脫毛+美白+保濕完美修護,讓您皮膚白白,觸感滑滑!

【FunShare X Reveiler Skin-Pro】0.3 折優惠︰原價 $6,800 享樂價 $228

  • 6 次 E-Light 光學脫毛
    - 自選一個脫毛部位︰腋下、上唇、下巴、手指、腳趾 或 前額
  • 6 次 深層補濕美白護理
    - 深層補濕美白護理︰針對脫毛部位,補水補營、深層修護,其美白成份有效擊退頑固黑色素,腋下、腳趾效果尤其顯著!
  • 送︰SOD抗氧化面膜 1 片 (帶走使用)
    送︰Reveiler Skin-Pro 購物優惠劵 $500

完美之選 E-Light 光學脫毛 (原價 $2,800-6,800)
[h ...


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$28 Pancake Colours午餐,餐湯主菜飲品甜品一條龍!

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50% off 9-day Superfood Detox and Wellness Program

50% off 9-day Superfood Detox & Comprehensive Wellness Program: organic products + group & private sessions + 5 stone chamber + 1 colonics treatments

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Today's deal

50% off 9-day Superfood Detox & Comprehensive Wellness Program: organic products + group & private sessions + 5 stone chamber + 1 colonics treatments

Get the deal now

HKD 2350


HKD 4700



You save

HKD 2350


This Twangoo includes:

  • 9 day group Superfood Detox programme from i-detox with products (enough for 15 days), introductory and final group sessions (worth $2900)
  • one 30-min additional PRIVATE post detox consultation or 2-hour 'Healthy Fast Food for Busy People' Seminar (worth $500)
  • Five 30-min infrared stone chamber sessions at Chains Medicare Centre (worth $750)
  • One 1-hr colonics session at Natural Path (worth $550)

Cleanse your body and learn how to maintain a healthy daily diet with delicious and practical superfood i-Detox will introduce you to!

i-Detox Superfood Detox is not about fasting but about giving your body nutrients required for effective detoxification which is a vital process of the body at the cellular level.   

The Superfood Detox program has been designed to restore body’s optimal metabolism, and detoxify with minimal discomfort, suitable for the hard working ones too!

The private 30-min consultation or Healthy Fast Food Seminar is intended to provide further support to the participants to sustain new healthy lifestyle.

The colonic treatment and far infra red stone chamber treatments are effective detox supporting treatments. 

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