
$280 純銀黏土戒指 及 吊咀製作體驗班! (原價$450)

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星級火鍋3.5 折,牛魔王拼盤/至尊海鮮船 / 2.1折美顏消脂3寶: 鐡觀音,馬騮搣,龍珠花茶

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齊分享.愛尋樂 追蹤享樂

低至 3.5 折〈王子火鍋店〉4 人套餐︰牛魔王拼盤 / 至尊海鮮船 (原價 $438 - $768)!金牌手切 5A 安格斯肥牛、海魚刺身、精選牛脷托、鮮活元貝… 名人熱捧火鍋新貴,愈夜愈優惠!

原價 折扣
$438 4.5 折
低至 3.5 折〈王子火鍋店〉4 人套餐︰牛魔王拼盤 / 至尊海鮮船 (原價 $438 - $768)!金牌手切 5A 安格斯肥牛、海魚刺身、精選牛脷托、鮮活元貝… 名人熱捧火鍋新貴,愈夜愈優惠!
Fun Match X 王子火鍋店
地址: 佐敦吳松街 182 號榮國中心地下 C, D 舖 (聖地牙歌酒店對面)
聯絡電話: 3521 0050 (請於 12nn – 8pm 致電預約留座 )
  • 名人紅星熱捧,區內最抵食高級火鍋店
  • 店內發售 5A 級安格斯牛肉,比起坊間一般售賣的 3A 等級更矜貴
  • 海鮮質素媲美西貢、鯉魚門,海鮮拼盤堪稱全港最鮮
  • 只發售野生游水海魚海鮮,絕不入口養魚
  • 鎮店水餃王,用料十足,大大個脹卜卜
  • 人氣秘製手打丸,鮮嫩彈牙
  • 必食︰鮮甜桶蠔、肥美鵝腸、爽滑牛骨髓、新鮮本地雞子
  • 店主有 30 年火鍋行業經驗,食材優質實惠、服務一流、安全衛生
  • 環境光猛通爽,座位寬敞舒適,並設獨立房間

我的「火鍋之友」大致分為兩大派別,一是「海鮮怪」︰蝦、蟹、蠔、元貝不少得、只吃海魚不吃養魚、更指定要白灼加 sashimi 一魚兩味;二是「牛魔」︰鍾愛手切肥牛、安格斯只吃 5A 級、專攻刁鑽牛部位……
今日享樂有高級火鍋新貴〈王子火鍋店〉低至 3.5 折「牛魔王決戰海鮮船」晚市火鍋優惠,享樂家不但可以買齊「牛魔王拼盤」及「至尊海鮮船」2 款優惠一併使用,額外惠顧火鍋配料,亦可享用店內原有優惠 (9:30pm 前入座 8 折;9:30pm 或以後入座 6 折)!

【FunShare X FunMatch X 王子火鍋店】「牛魔王決戰海鮮船」晚市火鍋優惠︰

第一回合︰6pm – 8:30pm
A. 牛魔王拼盤 (4人份量) 享樂價 $198,原價 $438
B. 至尊海鮮船 (4人份量) 享樂價 $288,原價 $768

- 2 選 1湯底︰清湯 或 香茜皮蛋 (價值 $58) 或 竹庶茅根水 ($48)
- 王子火鍋店 $100現金劵 (適用於下次消費,惠顧滿 $400 即可使用)
# 享樂家可以買齊「牛魔王拼盤」及「至尊海鮮船」一次過享用,額外惠顧火鍋配料,亦可享用店內原有的 8 折優惠!

[highligh ...


2.1 折美顏消脂 3 寶︰鐡觀音、馬騮搣、龍珠花茶 2.1 折美顏消脂 3 寶︰鐡觀音、馬騮搣、龍珠花茶
今日享樂推出「吉祥茶芳 - 美顏消脂禮茶優惠」︰$98「禮茶盒」有齊減肥健美貢品鐡觀音 (50g)、抗衰老極品馬騮搣 (50g) 及 美顏解毒龍珠花茶 (30g),原價總值 $358!享樂家亦可以 2.1 折選購原價 $876「禮茶套裝」,內含 5 包消脂美顏茶葉 及 宜興紫砂吉祥杯 1 個,無論居家或辦公室,都可隨時品嚐茶香韵味!

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超激安! Celebrity Slim 纖體代餐棒12件只需$60!!

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$49 嘆米芝蓮推介餐廳午餐,主菜18選1!

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Up to 65% off burgers and beers at The Lanai in Stanley


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Friday, 6 May 2011
Today's Deal Up to 65% off burgers and beers at The Lanai
HK$55 for any burger with fries, salad and a bottle of ice cold beer at this relaxing beach café in Stanley.

Island-style dining with fresh food and breathtaking views at this secret spot in Stanley…

In Hawaiian, a Lanai is a veranda, and this beach café at St. Stephen’s Beach in Stanley captures the essence of relaxed, island-style dining with its laid-back atmosphere and focus on serving fresh food and drinks. Tucked away from the crowds of Stanley Main Street, the objective of The Lanai is to allow nature to take centre stage. This it truly does with breathtaking sunset views unrivalled at any other vantage point in Stanley.

Founded by couple Kenneth and Rebecca Howe, the masterminds behind popular South Bay Beach Club and The Bauhinia, they have taken inspiration from travels to the Med, Caribbean and Hawaii to recreate the best of beach dining in Hong Kong. With this voucher, you can enjoy any signature burger from the menu with fries, side salad and a bottle of ice cold beer or fizzy soft drink for just HK$49, inclusive of service charge.

Open every day of the year, there’s no better way to escape the city than by putting your feet up on the veranda of The Lanai and soaking up the magnificent scenery as the waves lap the shore.

Signature burgers, served with fries and side salad

  • Cheeseburger
  • Bacon cheeseburger
  • Sauteed mushrooms and onions burger
  • Bacon, egg and mushroom burger
  • Aloha burger topped with bacon and pineapple
  • Bottled beers include Tsing Tao, Corona, Carlsberg and San Miguel


Company Info
The Lanai
St. Stephen’s Beach, St. Stephen’s Road, Stanley, Hong Kong

See the website »

St. Stephen’s Beach, St. Stephen’s Road, Stanley, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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