
4.4 折參加 Lavazza 咖啡班

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以享樂價 HK$370 參加原值 HK$850 的 Lavazza 咖啡調配基本課程!

原價   折扣   節省
$850   4.4 折   $480
以享樂價 HK$370 參加原值 HK$850 的 Lavazza 咖啡調配基本課程!
地址: 香港黃竹坑黃竹坑道 30 號長德工業大廈 3 樓
聯絡電話: +(852) 2868 0362

人人喝咖啡,但不是人人都懂喝咖啡,更遑論要評鑑優質咖啡豆,或沖一杯啱自己口味的意大利咖啡。今日享樂教您一技傍身,以 HK$370 參加原值 HK$850 的 Lavazza 咖啡調配基本課程,用 3 小時換來終身受用。今日享樂,自飲其樂!

擁有百年基業,廣受推崇為意大利最受歡迎咖啡品牌的Lavazza,多年來緊守其對品質的堅持,從咖啡豆的篩選、加工、烘焙,以至包裝、運輸都一絲不苟, 務求能生產出色、香、味俱佳的咖啡。 在2008 年, Lavazza 咖啡香港培訓中心成立,希望能更進一步在香港推廣咖啡文化。 這個咖啡調配基本課程, 覆蓋了咖啡簡史, 咖啡豆的種植、加工、 烘、研磨,介紹意大利傳統正宗的Espresso 和 Cappuccino和不同的沖泡方法原理和技巧; 包括虹吸管咖啡 (Syphon)、 摩卡壺 (Moka Pot)、 壓濾壺 (French Press)和專業半自動咖啡機。(Prof...

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W52 Bar Salad Set Lunch, 2 for 1! That's HKD110 instead of HKD220!

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Today's deal: W52 Bar Salad Set Lunch, 2 for 1!... That's HKD110 instead of HKD220...

HK$ 110 See the deal


HK$ 220



You save

HK$ 110

Company information:


52 Wyndham Street
Hong Kong

Always wanted to invite to lunch that cute girl, or that handsome guy in your office? Looking for the perfect excuse? We have one for you...

At Twangoo, we are offering you a lunch deal at a great Italian restaurant on Wyndham, W52. Two set lunches for the price of one, so HKD110 in total, service included! This includes the soup of the day, a choice of salad, a choice of salad topping or pasta (to add to your salad!) and a soft drink or tea/coffee. Very complete if you ask me. It is served in the Bar area between 12 and 2.30 pm.

I very much like W52. Its perfect location, great decor and fantastic food, make it the perfect combination for a very pleasant meal. Three dining floors with view over Wyndham Street, a great outdoor terrace, minimalist and stylish decoration (think soothing beiges, lots of natural light and a very James Bond-like glass elevator)... fantastically unfussy and tasty Italian food, I wasn't surprised to hear that the owner is the man behind Va Bene, Gaia, Isola...

Their motto: "simple and elegant". Marbled interiors, linen-topped tables, authentic and simple italian food. The chef, Ernesto Tonnetto loves to create pure and simple meal with the freshest ingredients. Their handcrafted pastas are delicious.

Everything is good here! The W52 Bar proposes a very simple but tasty Salad Set Lunch whilst the buffet upstairs, slightly more expensive, has all our italian favorites: caprese, grilled veggies, parma ham, beautiful carpaccios... I think my heart will go for the homemade pastas, tagliatelle, casoncelli (the chef's signature dish), all served perfectly Al Dente. I personally have a weakness for their truffle spaghetti...

The W52 Bar Salad Set Lunch deal here is great value for the quality of food served and is becoming a hit with the Central lunch-crowd. Don't miss it!

Lola's secret: Their new menu's been concocted by the famous Italian Chef, Francesco Berardinelli, well known for his partnership with the Alain Ducasse group. Francesco himself will be coming regularly to W52 as a guest chef. Exciting!!!!

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

Your daily candy

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