
享樂價98做齊修甲,磨砂,按摩,膠原手膜及塗甲油(原價360) 暑期油畫,輕黏土班 防水菲林相機

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$98膠原手膜療程 (原價 $360),全套服務包括︰修甲、磨砂、按摩、手膜 及 塗刷甲油;另有 $198 光療樹脂啫喱美甲療程 (原價 $780)!改善肌零,護手美甲,Let'Spa 幫您「手」秘密!

原價 折扣
$360 2.7 折
$98膠原手膜療程 (原價 $360),全套服務包括︰修甲、磨砂、按摩、手膜 及 塗刷甲油;另有 $198 光療樹脂啫喱美甲療程 (原價 $780)!改善肌零,護手美甲,Let'Spa 幫您「手」秘密!
地址: 香港灣仔駱克道 54-62 號博匯大廈地庫
聯絡電話: +(852) 2866 9221 / 2866 9223
  • 位處灣仔鬧市,令人有置身大自然的舒憩感覺
  • 佔地 4200 平方呎,私隱度高,設私人水療室及雙人護理房
  • 美容師有過十年美甲及手部護理經驗,服務專業、細心
  • 男或女賓均可使用
  • 膠原手膜療程包括︰修甲、手部磨砂、按摩、骨膠原手膜 及 塗刷甲油
  • 西班牙 PLUS 膠原手膜深層滋潤,修護細紋,減慢老化
  • 光療樹脂啫喱美甲療程包括︰拆舊甲、打磨、修甲、樹脂啫喱、閃粉 及 手部護理
  • 美國 INT 光療樹脂啫喱質感自然,透氣度高

「別讓雙手洩露妳的年齡秘密!」前輩如是說。不只是女人,愛美的男生亦要好好保養自己「第二張臉」!今日享樂介紹您到灣仔區數一數二的高級水療美容中心 Let'Spa,享用她們最新拓展的護手美甲療程服務。低於 3 折幫您「手」秘密,改善雙手肌零,修飾纖纖十指!

【FunShare X Let'Spa】護手美甲療程優惠︰
優惠 A︰2.7 折「西班牙 PLUS 膠原手膜療程」 享樂價 $98,原價 $360
90 分鐘手膜療程包括︰
1. 修手甲
2. 手部磨砂
3. 手部按摩
4. 軟敷西班牙 PLUS 骨膠原手膜
5. 塗刷指甲油

優惠 B︰2.5 折「美國 INT光療樹脂啫喱美甲療程」 享樂價 $198,原價 $780
120 分鐘美甲療程包括︰
1. 拆除舊甲
2. 打磨、修飾甲型
3. 塗刷新的樹脂啫喱
4. 加閃粉
5. 再塗一層美國 INT 光療樹脂啫喱
6. 手部護理

西班牙 PLUS 膠原手膜 [ ...


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95% off natural facelift therapy at Bellezza


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Monday, 23 May 2011
Today's Deal 95% off natural facelift therapy at Bellezza
HK$128 for a non-surgical, radio-frequency treatment. Remove wrinkles and restore youthful looking skin for a natural facelift effect.

The use of electric currents in medicine has been documented almost since electricity itself was discovered…

Radio-frequency (RF) therapy harnesses the benefits of RF energy to replicate the benefits of a facelift without the risks and discomfort of invasive surgery. Completely safe and FDA approved, these popular treatments are renowned for providing non-surgical facelift results that are both immediate and long term.

During the hour-long treatment, RF energy is delivered to the deep dermis and sub-dermal layers of the skin, while completely protecting your outer epidermis. The procedure uses the RF evergy to precisely heat connective tissue within the face, stimulating collagen production and tissue contraction. The result is the reduction of wrinkles with tighter skin and a more youthful appearance.

Take advantage of this exclusive 95% discount from Bellezza Spa to sample the wonders of RF natural facelift therapy for just HK$128. Their staff of medic-spa professionals have years of experience administering technologically advanced aesthetic treatments, so you can rest assured you’re in safe hands.

Company Info
Bellezza Spa
594-596 Nathan Rd, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

See the website »

594-596 Nathan Rd, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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