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$198 享用 $2,160 雪纖瘦 - 白朱古力牛奶香薰蠟燭全身按摩 + 幹細胞金箔再生面膜

原價   折扣   節省
$2160   0.9 折   $1962
$198 享用 $2,160 雪纖瘦 - 白朱古力牛奶香薰蠟燭全身按摩 + 幹細胞金箔再生面膜
地址: 尖沙咀漢口道28號亞太中心11樓1102-1104室 / 尖沙咀金馬倫道 42-44號華懋金馬倫中心6樓全層 / 銅鑼灣羅素街2-4號 2000年廣場16樓1603&1605室 / 佐敦彌敦道198號寶安商 業大廈7樓全層 / 旺角山東街38號38廣場6樓全層 / 荃灣眾安街68號城市中心 一期2101&2107室 / 元朗壽富街71號元發樓8 號地下 / 上水龍琛路14號M層
聯絡電話: +(852) 5195 5095
  • 史無前例 0.9 折星級優惠
  • 附送價值 $880 幹細胞金箔再生面膜
  • 港九新界8 間分店均可使用


我們當然明白,不是每個女人可以天生麗質,就算再得天獨厚的藝員明星,也要勤力保養才可每天明艷照人!尤其在這步入初冬的乾燥季節,皮膚就要開始「進補」!。今日享樂要帶給您一個「星級版 - 雪纖瘦初冬急救療程」,極速幫您的細胞回復水漾健康,倍添彈性!享樂家可獲低於1折的星級禮遇,以 $198 享用雪纖瘦原價 $2,160 的「白朱古力牛奶香薰蠟燭全身按摩 + 幹細胞金箔再生面膜 (價值$880)」療程。今日享樂靚得矜貴,賞您星級美容服務!


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$99享用Dr Swiss秋冬魚子金箔肌膚再生療程!(原價$680)

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50% off Song Cuisine d'Indochine


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Hong KongYour Daily DealFriday, 5 November 2010
Today's Deal $50% off Vietnamese cuisine at Song
$150 for either a delicious set dinner OR $300 worth of a la carte food & drinks. Plus special offers on their new cocktail menu!

Ever tried crossing a road in a Vietnamese city?

Streets jammed with two-stroke motorbikes racing in all directions, whole families and their livestock balanced with precarious precision, and of course, no pedestrian crossings. The only way to reach the noodle stall across the road is to close your eyes, step one foot in front of the next and pray. Trust me, with magical precision the motorbikes will part ways and you’ll make it to your feast.

Hong Kong’s sheer number of Vietnamese eateries presents a similar conundrum…too much noise and chaos with no guide to the perfect feast ahead. So take our word for it instead, and let us help you discover a hidden gem in Central - Song Vietnamese restaurant - offering the ultimate Asian fine dining experience that embraces the flavours of Indochine and Vietnam, bursting with fresh ingredients and home-cooked goodness.

For $150, you’ll get your choice of either the delicious three-course set below OR $300 worth of a la carte food and drinks from the extensive menu (Service charge is included for the set menu, but not on additional items within the same transaction) Why not wash it down with one of their new exotically Asian cocktails for an extra $45, including Lemongrass Martini or the delectable Pink Mojito. Close your eyes, take the leap and enjoy a superb feast in a casually tranquil environment!

Menu Highlights

Company Info
LG/F, 75 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

LG/F, 75 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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50% off indoor golf simulators with your friends!

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal: 50% off 2 Peak Sessions simulators at City Links Golf Lounge, for a group of up to 6 people

HK$ 420 See the deal


HK$ 840



You save

HK$ 420

Company information:

City Links Golf Lounge

10/F The Centrium, 60 Wyndham Street
Central, Hong Kong


Hit St Andrews golf course sipping a mojito...

Don't you love the fact that in HK you can get to anywhere you need in the shortest amount of time? An island with a small area but the best concentration of anything you'd like to do! And that is exactly what City Links Golf is all about!... Right in the middle of Central you can have access to 65 golf courses from all around the world! All this in the most comfortable lounge, and with a panoramic view of the city! How cool is that?

I have a feeling this place will become the favorite spot of all the golfers and socialites on the island. One of HK's small inconveniences is the sticky heat of the summer. At City Links Golf, you have the perfect temperature all year around, no need to wait for the sun to come down to enjoy your swing. These guys literally take the hassle out of golf. No need for a China visa, no membership required, whatever the weather conditions, you can hit your favorite golf course in the world in the most comfortable setting.

City Links Golf houses 4 Full Swing Golf simulators, which replicate every element of a real outdoor course with real clubs and balls and extremely realistic graphics. The infrared technology faithfully reproduces the same shot you would hit on the course. The simulators can be set to play in different formats, such as 9/18 holes or various competitions such as "longest drive" or "closest to the pin"... Fun, fun, fun!... :)

Whatever you are looking for, they will have it for you. Want to improve your skills? Book a lesson. Feeling competitive? Book a session with your friends. In the mood for a fun evening? They can host your next party or event - imagine a plush lounge bar right in the heart of HK, comfortable furnishing, huge window pane overlooking the city, and golf-themed cocktails!!!!!

At Twangoo, we are inviting you to experience this beautiful golf lounge for half price. We are offering you two group sessions with your friends for 50% off the normal price. That's $420 instead of $840 and that's for peak hours! No need to worry about equipment: they provide top quality clubs and balls... this place is all about convenience.

The newest and hippest golf lounge in HK has arrived!

Lola's secret: I went for a date once on a golf course in Shenzhen, and I have to say, seeing this man so in control of his swings was surprisingly sexy....

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

Side Deal

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You are receiving this email because you registered to get the best deals in Hong Kong from www.twangoo.com
Twangoo Ltd. 17 / F Wheelock House 20 Pedder Street - Central - Hong Kong

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$99康和堂中醫門診服務 1次面診 + 2劑中藥 固本培元調理身體


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2010年11月5日 星期五
  • 中醫調理身體套餐:1次面診 + 2劑中藥
  • 榮獲「優質中醫保健中心大獎」。「望聞問切」細心了解顧客身體狀況對症下藥,適合男好老幼調理身體之用。
  • 獲邀接受多家媒體訪問及撰稿:《東方日報》《星島日報》《am730》《Metrolife》等,為大眾提供健康訊息。


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