
$129【聖誕甜品班】一次過學識4款甜品 / $199【日本親子烹飪班】二人同行, 跟日本廚師學烹飪

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今日享樂 - 香港   

速成料理達人!【聖誕甜品班】一次過學識4款甜品 / 【日本親子烹飪班】二人同行, 跟日本廚師學烹飪

原價   折扣   節省
$400   3.2 折   $271
速成料理達人!【聖誕甜品班】一次過學識4款甜品 /  【日本親子烹飪班】二人同行, 跟日本廚師學烹飪
iCook Workshop
地址: 觀塘鯉魚門道2號新城工商中心十樓1016室 (觀塘港鐵站D4出口, 步行約5分鐘)
聯絡電話: 97798352
  • iCook Workshop 全為小班教學 (6-12人) ,讓同學更易理解又方便發問
  • 【聖誕甜品班】可一次學會 4 款甜品
  • 【日本親子烹飪班】收費已包二人學費 (1大人 + 1小童) 及材料費,再送便當盒
  • 享樂專享優惠︰【日本親子烹飪班】加一位小朋友只需 $50, 已包材料費及便當盒
  • 【日本親子烹飪班】由日藉導師教授正宗日式料理
  • 小朋友學烹飪之餘認識日本語言及文化
  • 小朋友可獲贈精緻便當盒帶走食物
  • 報讀【日本親子烹飪班】可加 $20 換購原價 $50 之陶瓷生果刀及刨皮器一套,售完即止
  • 有關 iCook Workshop 傳媒報導


施比受,更有福;愛煮食,上 iCook !」在 iCook Workshop FACEBOOK 看見這句口號,即時笑了!是的,入廚本來就是一件令人快樂的事,不論是為情人炮製溫馨甜品,或是給孩子製作愛心便當,只要想到自己疼愛的人享用食物時的喜悅和滿足,就能抵消烹飪過程的辛勞!今日享樂要將這份入廚的快樂帶給您;享樂家可以 3.2 折參加【聖誕甜品班】或以 4.4 折參加【日本親子烹飪班】。今日享樂,齊齊化身料理達人,惠澤親朋!

享樂家尊享 iCook Workshop 優惠課程包括︰
3.2折 【聖誕甜品班】 享樂價 $129 / 位 ( 原價 $400...

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60% off classes at Herman Lam Dance Studio


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Today's Deal 60% off at Herman Lam Dance Studio
Only $480 for unlimited dance classes for 3 weeks + your partner goes free at Herman Lam Dance Studio!

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget…

This season with the help of Herman Lam ensure nobody puts baby and you in the corner! For only $480 the twinkle toes at Herman Lam Dance Studio promise to bring out the dancer in your and turn those two left feet, right! In three weeks learn unlimited Salsa, Ballroom Dancing, Latin Dancing and Tango Argentino, stretched over four different sessions a week. Class schedules are as follows:

Salsa (Mondays, 6:30pm-7:30pm): A dancing sensation around the world, Salsa is a mixture of Spanish and African music, filtered through the music histories of Cuba and Puerto Rico. The classes focus on learning Salsa techniques and dance patterns. Its easy, fun and sexy!

Ballroom (Tuesday, 6:30pm-7:30pm): Ballroom dancing is a popular dance style for people of all ages. It involves five dances, namely Waltz, Slow Foxtrot, Tango, Quick step, and Viennese Waltz, which will all be covered in these sessions! Perfect for weddings and formal occasions.

Latin (Wednesday, 6:30pm- 7:30pm): A popular dance style, setting fire to the dance floor. Easy dance steps to follow, Latin Dancing comprises of Cha Cha, Rumba, Samba, Jive and Paso Doble. A smooth move for grabbing attention from the opposite sex.

Tango Argentino (Thursday, 6:30pm- 7:30pm): This dance style is the most sexually charged social dance of Argentina. It involves expressing all your feelings on the dance floor and focuses on the seduction between a man and woman. Not suitable for the shy dancers, but highly recommended for bringing out the wild streak in you!

Additionally, this deal comes with a bonus offer: Bring along a member of the opposite sex and he/she enjoys this jam-packed month of dance for free, a 100% discount! So muster up the courage and ask your special someone to experience a month of dance classes with the joy of basking in your company. You could not find a better excuse to get closer to your partner as the rhythm takes over at one of Hong Kong’s favourite dance spots.

As Herman says… "See you on the dance floor!"

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 15 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher by email, good for 60% discount at Herman Lam Dance Studio + complimentary access for your partner!
  3. Let the rhythm take over your body!
Company Info
Herman Lam
1/F, Kai Kwong House, 13 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

1/F, Kai Kwong House, 13 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong
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14折! $98天然泗濱砭石面部經絡美容療程! (原價$680)


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50% off wine, cheese and cold cuts on Piano Bar's nights at Gecko

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal: 50% off wine, cheese and cold cuts on Wednesdays "Piano Bar" Nights at Gecko!...

HK$ 200 See the deal


HK$ 400



You save

HK$ 200

Company information:


LG/F, Ezra Lane Lower Hollywood Road
Central, Hong Kong


A bottle of wine in one of the world's best bars, on a jazz night...

Gecko is the only bar on HK island that has been voted one of 100 world's best bars. And with good reasons: this tiny cosy sensual lounge hidden in a small alley in front of Drop has everything needed to spend the best evenings: an extensive wine list, good cocktails, comfy sofas, high quality music and a great crowd.

It is one of my favorite venue to hang out: very arty, full of friendly vibes and interesting people; Gecko, despite being small, has everything to make it big. And since they reopened 3 months ago, the place has been filled every night with an interesting and eclectic crowd. A cool but still laid back atmosphere, it is more of a live jazz bar in the week, and becomes a club with DJs during weekends, when the dance floor gets busy. In the mood for a chat with your friends? They have a big table tucked away outside, in an alcove of the alley, perfect for a chatty group of friends...or smokers... A lot of the regulars here are French, so if you feel like practicing this beautiful language you'll be at the right spot, but don't worry you are still in an English speaking bar...

Haven't been there yet? Well, thanks to Twangoo you can enjoy a bottle of wine, paired with a cheese platter, cold cuts and olives (Told you there was a French vibe in the air...) on any Wednesday night, for HKD 200 instead of HKD 400.

Wednesday night is one of their most popular nights, as they have an amazing jazz/funk singer with live band, who's becoming more and more attended.

Afraid that you won't find the place? It is actually not that difficult, Ezra lane is located under the escalator just below Hollywood rd, and once on it, you won't miss Gecko thanks to the crowd chatting outside of the bar...

Lola's secret: Both of their PRs are knock-outs, a bubbly blonde Californian and an exotic Frenchy... Making it even harder not to drop by regularly to check Gecko...

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

Side Deal Side Deal

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