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$190麗姐私房菜二人餐, 明星撐場的跑馬地住家飯堂

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5 折享用麗姐私房菜「星馬特式二人餐」杏汁白菜煲豬肺、蒜香半邊雞、馬拉盞通菜、生蝦炒米 及 紅酒,明星都撐場的跑馬地私房菜!

原價 折扣
$380 5 折
5 折享用麗姐私房菜「星馬特式二人餐」杏汁白菜煲豬肺、蒜香半邊雞、馬拉盞通菜、生蝦炒米 及 紅酒,明星都撐場的跑馬地私房菜!
地址: 跑馬地黃泥涌道 29 號 C 愉都大廈地下後座
聯絡電話: +(852) 2573 2168
  • 鎮店之湯「杏汁白菜煲豬肺」不含味精,更有養顏、潤肺之效
  • 「蒜香半邊雞」皮香肉嫩,蒜香迫人
  • 「生蝦炒米」配大大隻新鮮海蝦,矜貴星馬風味
  • 「馬拉盞通菜」惹味夠鑊氣
  • 麗姐私房菜精製星馬菜,名人紅星︰莫文蔚、馬詩慧、卓韻芝、余迪偉、伍宇烈… 亦曾光臨惠顧支持

Lunch time 個個同事外出用膳,我偏愛獨留辦公室品嚐媽媽炮製的「住家叮飯」,少油鹽糖、無味精,健康又好味!在沒有住家湯、屋企飯的日子,我亦會挑選有「家的感覺」的食店光顧;今日享樂推出的 麗姐私房菜 5 折優惠正合我意!$190 二人套餐包括︰鎮店之寶「杏汁白菜煲豬肺」、惹味香脆「蒜香半邊雞」及豪華版星馬家鄉菜「生蝦炒米」,另有紅酒佐餐!麗姐憑一手好廚藝在銅鑼灣、跑馬地區內打響名堂,不少名人紅星如莫文蔚、馬詩慧、卓韻芝、余迪偉、伍宇烈…… 亦曾光臨惠顧!

【享樂 X 麗姐私房菜】5 折私房菜優惠︰

    「二人星馬特式私房菜」享樂價 $190,原價 $380
    鎮店之寶︰杏汁白菜煲豬肺 2 碗
    佐餐小酌︰紅酒 2 杯
    享樂價 $190 (已包 10% 服務費)

鎮店之寶︰杏汁白菜煲豬肺 (原價 $28/碗)

皇牌推介︰蒜香半邊雞 (原價 ...

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$158 嘆挪亞度假酒店豐盛閣「蚌之誘惑」海鮮自助晚餐!


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HK$99 weekend wine tastings at The 8th Estate Winery


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Today's Deal HK$99 weekend wine tastings at The 8th Estate
50% off leisurely wine tastings on Saturdays. Sample up to 6 wines, receive a bottle of 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon plus 10% off all purchases during the event!

God in His goodness sent the grapes, to cheer both great and small. Little fools will drink too much, and great fools not at all.

How does spending a lazy Saturday afternoon on the sea-facing outdoor terrace of Hong Kong’s only urban winery, sampling exceptional wines made on site, sound? At The 8th Estate Winery, a pastime often reserved for summer vacations in Europe can now be accomplished in our very own backyard.

The 8th Estate is Hong Kong’s first and only wine production facility, proudly labelling it’s delectable collection of wines as a ‘Product of Hong Kong’. The finest grapes are sourced and selected from the world’s leading growing regions, flash frozen to preserve each grape’s highest potential, then shipped to Hong Kong where the entire wine making production takes place on site. The wine is left to age in French and American oak barrels, under the close watch of their world-class winemakers, who ensure that Hong Kong now has exclusive and direct access to exceptionally made wines in their premium state.

For HK$99 you can sample between 4 and 6 wines, depending on session length, taking home a bottle of their very own 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon Red. You’ll also receive a 10% discount off any wine purchased during the visit. Guests will have the opportunity to sample a selection of home wines, tour the barrel rooms for a glimpse of the vinification process ‘from grape to bottle to mouth’, and lounge on the exquisite outdoor terrace. I can’t think of a better way to spend a summer Saturday afternoon.

Slainte. Salud. Gang Bei. Prost. Kampai. Skal. Cheers.

Company Info
8th Estate Winery
Room 306, 3/F Harbour Industrial Center,
No. 10 Lee Hing Street Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong

See the website »

Room 306, 3/F Harbour Industrial Center,  No. 10 Lee Hing Street Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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56% off 10 Group Yoga Classes at Anahatayoga!

56% off Ten Group Yoga Classes at Anahatayoga! Practice yoga in style!

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56% off Ten Group Yoga Classes at Anahatayoga! Practice yoga in style!

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HK$ 888


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