
$168折換購海天堂清熱美顏法寶 (原價 $390) 鬍鬚佬教您駐顏之術

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4.3 折換購「海天堂清熱美顏法寶」(原價 $390) 海天堂鬍鬚佬出品,功效顯著,信心保証!

原價   折扣   節省
$390   4.3 折   $222
4.3 折換購「海天堂清熱美顏法寶」(原價 $390) 海天堂鬍鬚佬出品,功效顯著,信心保証!
  • 龜鱉膠原口服液含豐富骨膠原及 18 種氨基酸,令肌膚回復彈性,白裡透紅
  • 熬夜必備海天堂龜苓膏
  • 海天堂龜苓膠有助強壯機能
  • 有益健康,送禮自奉佳品
  • 海天堂是亞州最有名龜苓膏品牌,安全可靠
  • 全線 85 間分店均可取貨


「近日親友聚會,總是離不開打邊爐和燒烤,口腹滿足換來的卻是體內熱氣飊升、喉嚨脹痛、滿臉暗瘡!緊接又是一個個捱更抵夜的煙酒派對……借問世間可有急救清熱美顏之術,助我容光煥發、增強體力?!」今日收到享樂家的求助,我們立即有所行動,請來龜苓膏界天王巨星– 海天堂老闆吳耀明,教教大家保健強身、駐顏之術!

今日享樂家可以 $168 換購原價 $390 的「海天堂清熱美顏法寶」,全線 85 間海天堂門市均可領取,非常方便![/ ...

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59% off Pole Paradise Studio


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Hong KongYour Daily DealThursday, 2 December 2010
Today's Deal 59% off Pole Paradise Studio
$120 for 1-hour Pole Dancing, Lap Dancing, Ariel Hoop or Spinning Pole classes

Cirque du Soleil is in town and they’re calling your name…

Ever wanted to try an Aerial Hoop, a steel hoop suspended on a cord, and swing around manoeuvring like a professional acrobat or Aerial silk dance, balancing your body on two long stretches of ribbons? Well here’s your chance. Pole Paradise Studio is now offering 1-hour introductory classes at just $120 per person. Choose from Pole Dancing, Lap Dancing, Aerial Hoop, Aerial silk and of course, their unique Spinning Pole Classes.

This exciting class will not only spice up your bedroom life, but tone your body! It’s a fun way to shape up before and after Christmas and learn the various moves on the pole, aerial silk and the hoop. It is also a great workout, with emphasis on your core and upper body. If you want to obtain stunning poses and graceful movements, basically reaching Pro-status, then simply sign up for more classes.

Now of course not all of us have a pole at home to practice on, so it’s great that Pole Paradise has a lap dance course too. Your partner will praise you when you show them your new moves! So what are you waiting for? After this session, Cirque du Soleil will have nothing on you.

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 10 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher by email, good for a 1-hour introductory class at Pole Paradise Studio.
  3. Enjoy the aerial hoop, aerial silk, lap dance, spinning pole or pole dancing!
Company Info
Pole Paradise Studio
50-54 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

See the website »

50-54 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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$108 日式氣功排毒美容療法 (送熱能眼部護理)!


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50% off gourmet products & fine groceries from Spain

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Today's deal: $150 worth $300 of gourmet products & fine groceries from Spain at Pata Negra House! Surrender to the delicacies of Iberian gastronomy!

HK$ 150 See the deal


HK$ 300



You save

HK$ 150

Company information:

Pata Negra House

1 Second Street
Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong


Does Pata Negra ring a bell?...

Yes, Pata Negra or also commonly known as Iberico Ham is nothing but the finest cured ham in the world, the ultimate spanish delicacy and also one of Spain's most famous products! For the curious minded, Pata Negra means, translated from spanish, "black foot" after the unique race of black pigs that it derives from.

Besides the famous Iberico Ham which is the house specialty, at Pata Negra House you will be able to find a wide variety of gourmet and fine grocery products from the Iberian gastronomy, carefully selected from farms and local producers throughout Spain. Different cold cuts and sausages from the black pig (chorizo, salami, loom, morcilla...), but also a Serrano ham from a pig fed with cereals! They also carry different gourmet canned food (seafood and vegetables from selected producers in Spain) and a delicious Extra Virgin Olive Oil, made from a personal selection of Picual and Arbequina olives. Not to mention the delicious Manchego cheese, foie-gras, wine... Mouth watering!

Pata Negra House considers the choice of their products a priority and therefore visits farms and local producers throughout Spain to find the most unique and rare selection. Their product know-how comes from a farm in Andalusia (one of the regions in Spain) built in 1948, which produces an exclusive limited run of Iberico ham each year (200 legs/year) of the highest standard. As a result, PNH secures some of its best Iberico ham procurement from this farm, guarantees the quality of its sourcing and profits from a professional know how when selecting other ham suppliers.

Each year, PNH selects piece by piece, the hams that will reveal the best flavor. Once selected each ham is sealed with a bracelet, printed with a serial number and a laboratory certificate of origin and quality - by doing so Pata Negra House guaranties the quality and authenticity of its products.

Founded by three entrepreneurs driven by a passion for gastronomy and fine food, Pata Negra House is a brand dedicated to the Iberian gastronomy, composed of precious and fragile delicacies and issued from the most exquisite traditional and artisan recipes.

Engage in a delightful journey through the best well kept secrets of Iberian gastronomy, enjoying an unique gustative experience at Pata Negra House gourmet selection - you will be back for more!

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$198日本直送首飾 超人氣品牌鑲Swarovski水晶或頂級cz Diamond (原價$735-1,842)


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2010年12月2日 星期四
  • 日本設計進口Swarovski水晶或頂級cz Diamond(鋯石)首飾,設計優雅手工精緻
  • 只需補差價即可升級為夠買優惠價$268的款式
  • 日本超人氣品牌VenDome、Lord of Silver、Mickey Mous,華麗設計適合派對宴會,簡約設計適合日常場合。


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