
4.5 折享受狗狗地手剪造型美容及 Spa Service

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今日享樂 - 香港   

以享樂價 HK$205 享受原值 HK$455 的狗狗地手剪造型美容及 Spa Service!

原價   折扣   節省
$455   4.5 折   $250
以享樂價 HK$205 享受原值 HK$455 的狗狗地手剪造型美容及 Spa Service!
地址: 香港跑馬地成和道 1-3 號 1 樓
聯絡電話: +(852) 3676 1013

享樂一直以服務愛生活享受的您為己任,今日我們決定要來個轉變,打算寵幸您的牠。以 HK$205,即可帶同一隻 20 磅以下的狗隻( 註︰20 磅以上每 10 磅加 $100。超過 60 磅狗隻,恕不提供服務優惠。),享受狗狗地原值 HK$380 的手剪造型美容及 HK$75 的 Spa Service。今日享樂,要愛屋及犬!

雞與雞蛋的問題:據非正式統計,跑馬地特別多人養狗,也多寵物美容專門店,而狗狗地就是其中一間。開業 3 年以來,狗狗地一直堅守為人狗營造溫暖的家的感覺,將食物、玩具、訓練、攝影、香薰 Spa、日式溫泉浴和香薰按摩寵物美容服務全數引入店中,讓狗主和小狗享受到一站式的便利。今次狗狗地為享樂所推出的狗狗美容超級優惠,服務內容包括剪裝設計、洗澡、剪甲、剪腳底毛、洗耳、擠肛門腺、基本梳毛、剪肚毛及剪「Pat Pat」毛。狗主可透過透明玻璃觀賞到美容室的情形,一邊欣賞小狗的 hea 態,一邊常伴左右,增進人狗...

邀請好友購入享樂證。成功邀請,每次可額外獲贈 $5 樂元。
電郵:cs@funshare.com 電話:+(852) 2801 0100

地址:香港觀塘大業街 35 號 B 座 6 樓

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50% off a burger but 100% of the best ingredients!

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Today's deal: 50% off anything you want from the menu at Gourmet Burger Union!... Fancy a healthy burger?...

HK$ 50 See the deal


HK$ 100



You save

HK$ 50

Company information:

Gourmet Burger Union


1st/F Cheung Fai Building, 45-47 Cochrane Street
Hong Kong

Finally!... A healthy burger!!...

Gourmet Burger Union is new in town! Conveniently located at Cochrane Street, Gourmet Burger Union is bringing the burger business to the next level!

First, the products... Everything at Gourmet Burger Union is carefully selected by their team. Their belief: great food comes from great products! So, the beef comes from New Zealand Angus, naturally fed, grass-reared and additive free. The fries are made from fresh potatoes and have never been frozen and they only use the freshest vegetables, gourmet cheese and bakery fresh artisan bread.

Second, you can build your own burger! The way you like it! Their build-your-own burger experience offers more than 300,000 combinations... what a choice!

So today, we are very happy to offer you a great deal to discover this new place! For just HKD50, you can buy for HKD100 of anything you want from their menu! Yummy!!!

And guess what, they have a great location! Just in front of HSBC on Lyndhurst Terrace...

Enjoy your gourmet burger!

Your daily candy

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