
6.5 折 稻香賀年套裝 年糕/蘿蔔糕平均每底$18.8

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$75 換購 2 張「稻香誠製旺年年糕禮券」原價 $116 (發財年糕 及 臘味蘿蔔糕 合共 4 條糕點,平均每條只需 $18.8) 有稻香孖寶迎兔年,全家歡樂口福無邊!

原價 折扣
$116 6.5 折
$75 換購 2 張「稻香誠製旺年年糕禮券」原價 $116 (發財年糕 及 臘味蘿蔔糕 合共 4 條糕點,平均每條只需 $18.8) 有稻香孖寶迎兔年,全家歡樂口福無邊!
地址: 全港超過 50 間稻香分店均可換領
聯絡電話: +(852) 3960 6111
  • 每人可買最多 5 張享樂證,送禮自奉兩皆宜
  • 合共 4 條糕點,平均每條 (600 克) 只需 $18.8!
  • 一盒「稻香誠製旺年年糕」有齊 發財年糕 及 臘味蘿蔔糕
  • 傳統滋味椰汁年糕,特別加入香濃椰汁,煙韌清新
  • 惹味足料臘味蘿蔔糕,臘味甘香,蘿蔔絲清甜
  • 「稻香誠製旺年年糕禮券」可安排郵遞到府上,或到享樂辦公室領取

小時候很喜歡跟嫲嫲學烹飪,尤其是過農曆新年,總嚷著要幫忙篩糯米粉、刨蘿蔔絲;近年嫲嫲都不再蒸年糕、蘿蔔糕,學藝未精的我又煮不出嫲嫲的味道 …… 試盡坊間的賀年食品,唯有稻香出品的最有水準,一吃就知道是用傳統方法、真材實料炮製,恰似嫲嫲烹調的溫馨感覺!

今日享樂可以 $75 換購原價 $116 「稻香誠製旺年年糕禮券」2 張,發財年糕 及 臘味蘿蔔糕 合共 4 條糕點,平均每條只需 $18.8!鴛鴦享受,好事成雙再成雙,送禮自用兩皆宜!
  • 傳統滋味發財年糕 2 條 (每條 600 克)
    - 年糕選用優質糯米粉,特別加入香濃椰汁,以正宗古法烹製出煙韌清新的傳統滋味!
  • 惹味足料臘味蘿蔔糕 2 條 (每條 600 克)
    - 蘿蔔糕用料講究豐富,特別選用上等臘腸、蝦乾… 富濃濃臘味甘香和蘿蔔絲清甜,香味撲鼻!
雖然近年賀年糕點的味道層出不窮,但是要數最受歡迎的當然離不開最傳統的發財年糕及臘味蘿蔔糕,因為傳統口味先有傳統農曆年的感受!稻香集團特意推出的「稻香誠製旺年年糕」套裝禮盒,一盒有齊傳統滋味椰汁發財年糕 及 惹味足料臘味蘿蔔糕,既方便又好意頭,蒸製食用倍感滋味;薄切煎香,口感內軟外脆,更是令人回味無窮,欲罷不能!而且更可在指定換領日期,到稻香集團指定香港及國內分店提貨,方便經常往來中港人士送禮自用!有稻香誠製旺年年糕孖住您迎新春,祝您兔年成雙成對,好運、蜜運一齊來! ...

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54折 純銀黏土戒指及吊咀製作體驗班!(原價$420)


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50% off oysters + wine or 6 course meal at Rocksalt


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Hong KongYour Daily DealMonday, 17 January 2011
Today's Deal 50% off oysters or 6 course meal at Rocksalt
HK$350 for 1 dozen oysters + bottle of sparkling wine or a 6-course gourmet meal at Rocksalt in Stanley

Nothing brings out flavor more effectively than Rocksalt…

Located on the main promenade in Stanley, Rocksalt’s beachside vantage point boasts airy, driftwood surfaces and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the magnificent Stanley shoreline. Headed by Executive Chef Cameron Gardiner, the restaurant has a strong seafood influence, serving up the finest ingredients with clean, modern flavours. Think mixed seafood platters bursting with crustaceans, live oysters and shellfish from some of the cleanest waters on earth, plus traditional turf favourites like succulent burgers, juicy grilled steaks and wood-fired pizzas by the foot.

For HK$350, you can enjoy a taste of the ocean’s bounty with 1 dozen freshly shucked daily oysters like Coffin Bay, Sydney Rock, Bruny Bay or Tasmanian, paired with a bottle of Australian sparkling wine, great for sharing with friends. Alternatively, redeem your voucher for a six-course set menu specially created by Chef Gardiner himself (1 voucher per person). The menu boasts a wonderful selection of appetizers, surf and turf, and a decadent dessert. Grab today’s deal and discover a new reason to visit Stanley! Woo-hoo!

Six-course set menu

  • Tuna Sashimi, Smoked Eggplant Caviar, Mixed Cress 
  • Tempura Coffin Bay Oyster with Citrus Soba Noodles and Sesame Ponzu dressing  
  • White Wine Steamed Australian Mussels with Capellini and Wakame Seaweed  
  • Roast Lamb Rack topped with Pine Nut Crumbs, Parsnip Veloute and Mustard Salad 
  • Baked Cod Fillet with Sauvignon Blanc Butter Glaze, Steamed Clam and Homemade Duck Sausage 
  • Chocolate Torte & Rocksalt Infused Ice-Cream 

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 20 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher by email, good for 1 dozen oysters & sparkling wine or a 6-course dinner at Rocksalt.
  3. Feast your heart out, sonny
Company Info
25 Stanley Market Road, Stanley, Hong Kong

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25 Stanley Market Road, Stanley, Hong Kong
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