
日本Tsukiji Gin Sushi 香港首間分店, 日‧傳食套餐平均每位$129

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$148 享用 (原價 $403.7) 日本 Tsukiji Gin Sushi 香港首間分店「日‧傳食套餐」,包括 8 項傳統美食︰江戶前壽司、炭火爐端燒、海老天婦羅、手製雪糕… 二人前套餐平均每位 $129!

原價 折扣
$403 3.7 折
$148 享用 (原價 $403.7) 日本 Tsukiji Gin Sushi 香港首間分店「日‧傳食套餐」,包括 8 項傳統美食︰江戶前壽司、炭火爐端燒、海老天婦羅、手製雪糕… 二人前套餐平均每位 $129!
Tsukiji Gin Sushi
地址: 銅鑼灣謝斐道500號地下
聯絡電話: +(852) 3568 0278
  • 日本 Tsukiji Gin Sushi 於銀座、六本木、新宿等地均設分店,人氣極盛
  • 店內料理秉承日本江戶前壽司風格,精製傳統料理,市面一般壽司店無可媲美
  • 新派壽司令人驚喜萬分,絕對不容錯過
  • 套餐有齊 8 個項目,份量十足,美味超值
  • 壽司師傅親切有善,選座 bar 枱可一邊品嚐美食,一邊欣賞師傅熟練手藝
  • 可選入座典雅房間,私人度高,最適合朋友聚會,開懷吃喝
  • 全店以藍色燈光為主調,配合多個大型魚缸,營造出高雅、時尚氣氛
  • 享樂家惠顧其他食品、飲品,可獲豁免 10% 服務費

不少朋友都視日本為「半個鄉下」,久未回鄉覓食、掃貨,大家都有點心癢癢!今日享樂為大家抒解鄉愁,推出日本Tsukiji Gin Sushi (築地銀) 香港首間分店,3.2 折「日‧傳食套餐」優惠!套餐共有 8 個項目,包括︰帆立貝創作點心、江戶前風格銀寿司、炭火風串焼盛、海老天婦羅盛、傳統家作牛肉烏冬、手製雪糕等等。二人前原價 $807.4,享樂價平均每位 $129!

贏盡口碑的Tsukiji Gin Sushi (築地銀) 於日本銀座、六本木、新宿等地均設分店,人氣極盛。香港分店料理由著名日本師傅加藤先生,以傳統日本烹調手法處理。傅加藤先生秉承日本江戶前壽司風格,並加入創意研發出各種創新料理,再配合新派雅致的裝潢甚具氣氛,Tsukiji Gin Sushi (築地銀) 香港分店定會為您帶來與別不同的和食新體驗!

    【Funshare X Tsukiji Gin Sushi】日‧傳食套餐優惠︰
  • 一人前「日‧傳食套餐」︰原價 $403.7,享樂價 $148 (已包 10% 服務費)
  • 二人前「日‧傳食套餐」︰原價 $807.4,享樂價 $258 (已包 10% 服務費) 平均每位 $129

「日‧傳食套餐」包括︰ (每位份量)
1. 帆立貝創作點心 ($15)
2. [ ...


$98 吉祥茶芳 - 美顏消脂禮茶優惠︰鐡觀音、馬騮搣、龍珠花茶 $98 吉祥茶芳 - 美顏消脂禮茶優惠︰鐡觀音、馬騮搣、龍珠花茶
今日享樂推出「吉祥茶芳 - 美顏消脂禮茶優惠」︰$98「禮茶盒」有齊減肥健美 - 貢品鐡觀音 (50g)、抗衰老極品 - 馬騮搣 (50g) 及 美顏解毒 - 龍珠花茶 (30g),原價總值 $358!享樂家亦可以 2.1 折選購原價 $876「禮茶套裝」,內含 5 包茶葉 及 宜興紫砂吉祥杯 1 個,無論居家或辦公室,都可隨時品嚐茶香韵味!

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$99 1小時滴滴膠介指/金屬吊飾托DIY體驗班!

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43% off artisan pastries and hot chocolate from VERO Landmark


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Monday, 9 May 2011
Today's Deal 43% off pastries & hot chocolate from VERO
HK$220 for 8 artisan pastries and/or signature hot chocolates from VERO’s flagship store in Central

True chocolate. VERO chocolate.

VERO is your real-life artisan chocolatier and patisserie, renowned for conjuring up some of the most exquisitely flavourful chocolate-infused delicacies in town. These pure, unadulterated chocolates are handcrafted every day in the Vero workshop, capturing the imagination of city’s epicurious with a delicious marriage of unique yet diverse flavours, made from carefully sourced ingredients with absolutely no compromise in quality. Small wonder they are considered to be among the best in Hong Kong.

Vero invites you to discover the delicate sophistication of their pastries and the intense robust flavours of their 100% Grand Cru XOCOLATL drinks. For HKD220, you’ll receive a stampcard valid for eight pastries and/or hot chocolates from their collection listed below, redeemable at the VERO flagship store in the Landmark. Visit our website for the full menu.

Artisan Pastries - Handmade daily, choose from VERO’s French Pastry Collection, their Single Origin Collection inspired by chocolates from around the world, and their Classic Collection featuring the team’s own unique take on all-time classics.

100% Grand Cru XOCOLATL Chocolate Drinks - Extraordinary and rare, this crème de la crème of chocolates is inspired by the cacao drink the Aztecs regarded as liquid gold. Crafted with fresh cream and first cut cacao beans, the heavenly concoctions were designed to bring the flavor nuances of each origin-specific cacao bean to centre stage.

Company Info
Shop 236, 2/F, Landmark Atrium, 15 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

Shop 236, 2/F, Landmark Atrium, 15 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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