
50% off baking classes at Fairy Cakes - design, bake, decorate


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Hong KongYour Daily DealFriday, 22 October 2010
Today's Deal 50% off baking classes at Fairy Cakes
$240 for any cake-making class worth $480 – baking, shaping, decorating, cookies & muffins!

Learn the tricks of the baking trade with today’s deal from Fairy Cakes...

Fairy Cakes is a one-stop baking and cake decorating specialty store in Cochrane Street, Central. The cosy little store has quickly made a name for itself amongst baking lovers and enthusiasts, churning out tray upon tray of deliciously scrumptious muffins, delectable pastries, fluffy cookies and luscious cakes. Their dedication to oven art was rewarded when they recently won Foodie Magazine’s award for best chocolate cake.

With today’s deal, you can learn the tricks of the baking trade at one of Fairy Cake’s ingenious cake-making classes, covering everything from Fondant and Cupcake Fun to Cake Decorating and the more serious sounding 3D Princess Cake (advanced techniques in shape cutting, piping skills and cake structural engineering). Their team is dedicated to creating innovative and artistic baked goods that challenge yet satisfy your taste buds. For $240, you get access to any baking class worth up to $480. If you want to take a more expensive class, simply settle the balance with Fairy Cakes directly. Buy now and book early to ensure your spot!

Special Offer!

Enjoy a 20% discount on any purchase made on the day of your class.

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 20 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher by email, good for a baking class worth up to $480 at Fairy Cakes.
  3. Sculpt, shape, decorate and bake!
Company Info
Fairy Cakes
9/F, Winning House, 10-16 Cochrane Street, Central

See the website »

9/F, Winning House, 10-16 Cochrane Street, Central
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50% off DVD rental, prepare for the SUPER TYPHOON!

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal: 50% off DVD rental at Movieland! That's 500HKD worth of DVD rental for only 250HKD! Prepare for the SUPER TYPHOON and cuddle up with the latest releases!

HK$ 250 See the deal


HK$ 500



You save

HK$ 250

Company information:


M/F, King Cheung Mansion, 1-9 King Kwong Street
Hong Kong


Make a date to stay in...

We've all heard the news, the "Super Typhoon" is on it's way, so what better way to equip yourself than with all your favourite DVDs? As much as I love to get out an enjoy all that Hong Kong has to offer, I must admit I do love to indulge in a cosy weekend cuddled up on the coach with a warm blanket, some yummy takeaway, and my favourite movies and TV series'!

It's true I have been lost in a void or two of Gossip Girl, Mad Men, True Blood, Entourage, and my favourite; the old-time films of Audrey Hepburn and Federico Fellini, on many a rainy day. And I have to say, they have been some of my most relaxing and rejuvenating weekends!

That's why Twangoo is giving you the chance to make a date to stay in, and rent all your favourite DVD's from Hong Kong's favourite rental store: Movieland! At half price!!

For over 20 years Movieland has been Hong Kong's favourite place to rent and buy movies. This place has long been a regular haunt of expatriates and locals alike, who appreciate the fact that the store is staffed by people who are knowledgeable about movies. They make finding entertainment easy, fun and satisfying which is unusual in this world of self service.

Their mission? "We are dedicated to exceptional customer service delivered with genuine warmth and friendliness".

So whether it's time you caught up on your favourite series, are craving the latest movie releases, or looking for old-school Hollywood glamour, the team at Movieland will help you meet all your entertainment needs.

So get comfortable, whether it be for a night, a day, or a week, and make a date to stay in and indulge in one of life's harmless pleasures

Lure you later,

Miss Siren

Side Deal Side Deal Side Deal

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2010年10月22日 星期五
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